Thursday, April 16, 2020

Amazon Fire TV Stick - Restoring Back to Stock

NOTE: You need to first setup ADB to follow this procedure.
Confirm your OS version and select the appropriate system image:
For Rooted
For Rooted 5.0.4:
First: Uncompress the appropriate system image file using gunzip or 7-Zip.
Next: Copy the uncompressed system image file to the Fire TV using:
adb push system.orig.img /data/local/tmp
Now open a connection to the Fire TV using adb shell. Before following the steps below it's a good idea to verify that the checksum of the system image file on the device matches the system.orig.img line in the MD5SUMS file.
md5 /data/local/tmp/system.orig.img
If the checksum matches then proceed with the following commands to revert your Fire TV back to stock:
pm enable
dd if=/data/local/tmp/system.orig.img of=/dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/by-name/system bs=1m


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