Using ARQoid for Android-based SPARQL Query Execution
I was recently asked about the SPARQL support in Sparql Droid
and whether it could serve as a way for other Android applications to
execute SPARQL queries against remote data sources. It could be used in
this way but there is a simpler alternative I’d like to discuss here.
On the Android platform it is actually quite easy to execute SPARQL
against remote SPARQL endpoints, RDF data and local models. The heavy
lifting is handled by Androjena’s ARQoid, an Android-centric port of HP’s Jena ARQ engine.Both engines (the original and the port) do a great job of simplifying the execution of SPARQL queries and consumption of the resulting data. In this post I’ll go through a simple example of using ARQoid. Note that all the code being shown here is available for download. This post is based specifically on the queryRemoteSparqlEndpoint() method in the com.monead.androjena.demo.arqoid.SparqlExamples class.
To begin, some environment setup needs to be done in order to have a properly configured Android project ready to use ARQoid.First, obtain the ARQoid JAR and its dependencies. This is easily accomplished using the download page on the ARQoid Wiki and obtaining the latest ARQoid ZIP file. Unzip the downloaded archive. Since I’m discussing an Android application I’d expect that you would have created an Android project and that it contains a libs directory where the JAR files should be placed.
Second, add the JAR files to the classpath for your Android project. I use the ADT plugin for Eclipse to do Android development. So to add the JARs to my project I choose the Project menu item, select Properties, choose Build Path, select the Libraries tab, click the Add JARs… button, navigate to the libs directory, select the JAR files and click OK on the open dialogs.
Third, setup a minimal Android project. The default layout, with a small change to its definition will work fine.
Now we are ready to write the code that uses ARQoid to access some data. For this first blog entry I’ll focus on a trivial query against a SPARQL endpoint. There would be some small differences if we wanted to query a local model or a remote data set. Those will be covered in follow-on entries.Here is a list of the ARQoid classes we will be using for this initial example:
- com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query – represents the query being executed
- com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Syntax – represents the query syntaxes supported by ARQoid
- com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory – creates a Query instance based on supplied parameters such as the query string and syntax definition
- com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution – provides the service to execute the query
- com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory – creates a QueryExecution instance based on supplied parameters such as a Query instance and SPARQL endpoint URI
- com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet – represents the returned data and metadata associated with the executed query
- com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution – represents one row of data within the ResultSet.
The query we will execute is:
SELECT ?dataType ?data WHERE { <> ?dataType ?data. }This query will give us a little information about Vostok 1 launched by the USSR in 1961.
Create the Query instance
We begin by creating the Query instance using the QueryFactory.// Create a Query instance Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString, Syntax.syntaxARQ);This code assumes that the query given earlier has been assigned to the String variable queryString
Create the QueryExecution instance
We next create a QueryExecution using the QueryExecutionFactory.// This query uses an external SPARQL endpoint for processing // This is the syntax for that type of query QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(sparqlEndpointUri, query);This code assumes that the Talis endpoint mentioned above has been assigned to the String variable sparqlEndpointUri.
Execute the query and obtain the ResultSet instance
We are now ready to actually execute the query and obtain the ResultSet instance.// Execute the query and obtain results ResultSet resultSet = qe.execSelect();The resultSet variable now provides us access to the query results.
Retrieve the column names
A useful piece of metadata in the ResultSet instance is the list of column names. These will be based on the information requested in the SELECT clause. ARQoid can return them as a List<String>.// Get the column names (the aliases supplied in the SELECT clause) List<String> columnNames = resultSet.getResultVars();The columnNames List will contain the aliases given in the SELECT clause.
Iterate through the resulting rows
We can now iterate through the resulting rows, asking for each row’s data which is represented as a QuerySolution instance.// Iterate through all resulting rows while (resultSet.hasNext()) { // Get the next result row QuerySolution solution =;The solution variable will contain the current result row’s data.
Obtain the data for a row and column
To actually access the data you can request a specific column name from the QuerySolution instance. However, you need to know whether the data is null, a literal value or a URI. The following code performs the necessary tests and then prints the data to the standard output (in the downloadable code it will be presented on the Android device’s screen).// Data value will be null if optional and not present if (solution.get(var) == null) { System.out.println("{null}"); // Test whether the returned value is a literal value } else if (solution.get(var).isLiteral()) { System.out.println (solution.getLiteral(var).toString()); // Otherwise the returned value is a URI } else { System.out.println(solution.getResource(var).getURI()); }From the code, above, you can see that in order to access the basic data value you use the get(String) method which expects the column name to be passed. This will return null if there is no data associated with this row and column. If there is a value, the method isLiteral() may be called to test whether the data is a literal. If it is not than it will likely be a URI. The URI can be accessed by calling the getResource(String) method, passing the column name, and calling the getURI() method on that value.
Close the QueryExecution instance
The last step is important. The QueryExecution instance should be cleaned up by calling its close() method.// Important - free up resources used running the query qe.close();These are the basic steps you need to carry out in order to execute a SPARQL query against a SPARQL endpoint using ARQoid. Here is a screen shot of the Android emulator executing the example just covered.
A few other items for completeness. First, remember to add the INTERNET permission to your Android manifest (<uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.INTERNET”/>). Failure to do so will lead to an ARQoid failure when it tries to access the remote endpoint. The stack trace will indicate a failure to access the URI – it won’t mention that there is a permission issue.Also, depending on your query, you may be trying to access a lot of data which could be time consuming and also could cause issues with small memory devices. You may limit the number of rows returned and set a starting row for the results. This allows you to create a sliding window in your application by only pulling a few results and then allowing the user to ask for more. These values are set on the Query instance. Once you have the Query from the QueryFactory you can use these methods.
// Limit the number of results returned // Setting the limit is optional - default is unlimited query.setLimit(10); // Set the starting record for results returned // Setting the limit is optional - default is 1 (and it is 1-based) query.setOffset(11);The limit and offset given above would cause ARQoid to return 10 records, starting with the 11th one found. If there were fewer than 11 results then no records would be returned.
Hopefully if you are trying to use ARQoid this will give you a quick template to leverage the basic features of the engine. In the future I’ll expand on this by adding other data sources as well as using the URIs returned by the query to create a richer result for the user.Remember that you may download the sample code if you want to see the working Android demonstration application described here. Also, you can install Sparql Droid which contains a variety of sample SPARQL queries that use the local model, SPARQL endpoints, RDF data sources as well as demonstrating federated queries.
If you have questions or comments about this topic please add them to this post or send them to me via my contact page.
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