Change values of the stroke-linecap property
<line x1="10" y1="15" x2="50" y2="15" style="stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-width: 15;"/> <line x1="10" y1="45" x2="50" y2="45" style="stroke-linecap: round; stroke-width: 15;"/>
<line x1="10" y1="75" x2="50" y2="75" style="stroke-linecap: square; stroke-width: 15;"/>
<polyline style="stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke: black; stroke-width: 12; fill: none;" points="30 30, 45 15, 60 30"/> <polyline style="stroke-linejoin: round; stroke: black; stroke-width: 12; fill: none;" points="90 30, 105 15, 120 30"/> <polyline style="stroke-linejoin: bevel; stroke-width: 12; stroke: black; fill: none;" points="150 30, 165 15, 180 30"/>