Monday, December 28, 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Cordova Tutorial

Installing Cordova

Cordova command-line runs on Node.js and is available on NPM. Follow platform specific guides to install additional platform dependencies. Open a command prompt or Terminal, and type npm install -g cordova.

Create a project

Create a blank Cordova project using the command-line tool. Navigate to the directory where you wish to create your project and type cordova create <path>.
For a complete set of options, type cordova help create

Add a platform

After creating a Cordova project, navigate to the project directory. From the project directory, you need to add a platform for which you want to build your app.
To add a platform, type cordova platform add <platform name>.

For a complete list of platforms you can add, run cordova platform.

Run your app

From the command line, run cordova run <platform name>.

Friday, December 4, 2015


1. npm no license field
2. license should be a valid SPDX license



{ "license" : "BSD-3-Clause" }


{ "license" : "MIT" }

Configure Fiddler for Android / Google Nexus 7

Configure Fiddler

  1. Click Tools > Fiddler Options > Connections.
  2. Ensure that the checkbox by Allow remote computers to connect is checked.
  3. If you check the box, restart Fiddler.
  4. Hover over the Online indicator at the far right of the Fiddler toolbar to display the IP address of the Fiddler server.
    Online Tooltip

Configure Nexus Device

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen and tap the Settings icon.
  2. Tap Wi-Fi.
  3. Tap and hold your current Wi-Fi network. Select Modify Network.
    Modify Network
  4. Tap the Show advanced options box.
    Show advanced options
  5. Tap the Proxy settings dropdown and select Manual.
    Proxy settings
  6. Type the IP address and port (usually 8888) of the Fiddler server.
    IP Address
  7. Tap Save.
To verify this configuration, go to http://ipv4.fiddler:8888/. Chrome should display the Fiddler Echo Service webpage, and the traffic should appear in Fiddler.

Disable the proxy

After using Fiddler, return to the Proxy Settings screen above and remove the proxy.

Decrypt HTTPS

  1. On the Fiddler Echo Service Webpage, click the FiddlerRoot Certificate link.
    Download FiddlerRoot Certificate
  2. If the download doesn't open automatically, swipe down from the top and tap the Settings icon.
  3. Tap Personal > Security.
  4. Under Credential Storage, tap Install from storage.
    Install from storage
  5. Tap the FiddlerRoot.cer file.
  6. (Optional) Type a name for the certificate.
To verify this configuration, tap Trusted credentials > User. This should display the Fiddler certificate.

Disable HTTPS Decryption

To delete the FiddlerRoot certificate, tap Trusted credentials > User and delete the certificate.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Phone Gap